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Custom Easy Install Cluster Harness


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
66 Roadster Glen Green/Saddle
Hi, Please read my post,


I am working on a project to fix new harnesses so that they have a modular component for the dash only. You will just have to unplug dash from original harness. If you or anybody is interested, please let me know. When I have completed the ground work, You will be able to send me your harness and I will rewire it with a plug in feature.

I started with the wire extensions and realized that a plug in modular system would be better. (Custom Easy Install Harness) [/b], as done with later year cars.

Please ask questions and if you (and others) would like to be on the list for the (Custom Easy Install Harness) when it is available, let me know.

I will be using your original harness or brand new original harnesses from the two current harness makers. All plugs remain the same , the harness will be rewired with the plug in system for the dash. To change bulbs or to work on gauges, you just have to unplug the dash cluster harness from main harness, remove cluster, fix, plug back in , attach speedo, tach, oil line.

email or PM me with details.....I am in the start of my '63 restorod and that looks like it would be the right thing to do....

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