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Damp in Passenger Footwell in a 69

  • Thread starter Thread starter brit_trader2003
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I have damp in the carpet in the passenger footwell of my 69. I have not noticed any obvious leak or water anywhere in the interior, i.e. from the roof or doors.

I was wondering if anybody else had experienced this and can maybe point me at some possible leaks and possible solutions.
take off the kick panel covering the a pillar and feel inside the a pillar itself by the nut, if there's water,the windshield track at top is rotted.most often if there's water, and no entry point ,this is it. hope it's not though,lots of work.
if this isn't it , sprinkle baby powder all around any possible leaks,wet it, and look for powder trails on the inside.
Can you determine if it's water or antifreeze? Could be heater core leak,also could be water getting by the firewall insulation. Remove the dash panel,easy on the passenger side and use a hose to start wetting small areas while a helper is inside with a flashlight(I think they're called a torch in UK?) to look for leaks.
coupeman said:
Can you determine if it's water or antifreeze? Could be heater core leak,also could be water getting by the firewall insulation. Remove the dash panel,easy on the passenger side and use a hose to start wetting small areas while a helper is inside with a flashlight(I think they're called a torch in UK?) to look for leaks.
I know this sounds nasty ... but it could save you some time trying to troubleshoot. All too often the problem you described is a leaking heater core or its connections. The green antifreeze usually has a "sweet" taste ...not just like sugar but not so different either. Yes, it's been known to kill cats that drink it. I'm not suggesting that you drink it ... but to dab a bit from the carpet onto your fingers and taste it 2 or 3 times ... that should tell you if it's antifreeze. I've done this many times ... I've never had any adverse effects from simply tasting antifreeze.
Hi Jack,

It never occurred to me that the dampness would be caused by anything other than water leaking from the outside. I thought that if I stated the location of the dampness then some of you could then say what it could be, perhaps there would be a common fault. I now have two alternatives, possible leaking windshield or leaking heater core and I also now know what to check. Thanks for your help.
Check the drain holes at the bottom of the cavities behind the kickpads - when those holes get plugged up with leaves, etc., they fill up with water from the fresh air intake plenum ahead of the windshield and the water "wicks" into the carpet under the bottom of the kickpads.
If you put your fingers into the damp areas,if it feels slippery, it probably is antifreeze. The tast test is a good one once you feel an oily substance in the carpets. Antifreeze also has a distinct sweet smell to it. It's sweet to the taste, and if you rinse your mouth and spit it out. it won't do any damage.
sounds like heater core

or hoses leading to it...not sure of the routing on yours but thats the first sign of heater core problems.

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