I have a 1980 Corvette and a month ago i got some new speakers for my sound system put in. I used to have a 200 watt amp, and 2 10" subs, but they got stolen about 2 years ago. I put in a 900 watt amp and 2 12" subs. Ive drove the car about 4 times since i got them and the battery never went dead. Then all of a sudden i try to start my car and the battery is completely dead. The night before i had the hood open and the light was on, but it was flinkering alittle bit. I thought the battery might have been ran down by my door lock motor. the door locks dont work unless by key, and on the passenger side when i would lock it, it would make a noise like a motor..so i unpluged it. Then charged the battery up agin and 2 days after it started. then the third day it was dead agin. Not completely but it wouldnt run the starter. Im getting married in April and i want to drive my car on the honeymoon and im afraid to if i cant find out whats draining the battery. :cry I took the battery off and to auto zone to have it checked and there isnt a dead cell. the machine showed it was just low. I also have an appointment this friday at the place that installed the speakers to have that checked. Also i took the speaker wires lose from the battery monday to see if the battery goes dead by thursday. That way if its dead then ill know its a short in the car and not speakers. but if it starts then ill know its the speakers and ill keep the appointment friday. Im kinda thinking that it wont start thursday though, so thats why im posting here, cause i dont know where to start looking for a short circit. I guess if nothing else, i could get a Priority Start from Eckler's (does anyone have one of these and if so, how good are they?) for $64.99. Its strange that ive had those speakers for almost a month and it never ran the battery down till now, unless its not them. Thanks for your time