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Desperate Need


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2004
First, Let Me Get This Spelling Issue Resolved. I Was In Such A Hurry To Get On Line With This Forum, That I Performed A Typo So That I Could Just Get Connected. My Vehicle Is 88026 I Bought A Couple Years Ago. It Has 19,000 Miles On It. Will Try To Attach Pic. Now, I Am Desperate For A Turbo, I Cant Even Remember Which Side, But,i Have Nothing More Than The Housing. Previous Owner Spanked It Hard. Mike Vendetto At Callaway Is Trying To Help, But,with Little Luck In The Last Six Weeks. Charlie Brown In Ocala Says He Hasnt Any Source To Help Either. A Turbo Is Keeping This Car Off The Streets. I Need Help!!!! If You Have Ideas Or Answers, Let Me Know

CALLOWAY1988 said:
First, Let Me Get This Spelling Issue Resolved. I Was In Such A Hurry To Get On Line With This Forum, That I Performed A Typo So That I Could Just Get Connected. My Vehicle Is 88026 I Bought A Couple Years Ago. It Has 19,000 Miles On It. Will Try To Attach Pic. Now, I Am Desperate For A Turbo, I Cant Even Remember Which Side, But,i Have Nothing More Than The Housing. Previous Owner Spanked It Hard. Mike Vendetto At Callaway Is Trying To Help, But,with Little Luck In The Last Six Weeks. Charlie Brown In Ocala Says He Hasnt Any Source To Help Either. A Turbo Is Keeping This Car Off The Streets. I Need Help!!!! If You Have Ideas Or Answers, Let Me Know
Billy, Your car looks very, very familiar - like the 88 that went into a creek, that later showed up on an 1/8th mile track running hard w/out cooldowns and eventually had a meltdown :eek
I wish I had the pics of the car being pulled out of the creek to share, but anyways, That car was built to the hilt supposedly and last I had heard, a regular 5.7L was in it just to get it running after it sat for a long time - Car was reportedly at Tom Jumper in Atlanta...
I know the turbo issue is being worked on, on many fronts and hopefully it will be resolved shortly, in the meantime - did the car get put together w/ a normally aspirated engine??
Also, How long have you owned the car? If I recall - Shane, who previously was trying to sell it let it go to the bank, or something to that effect...
Love to hear "the rest of the story", as Paul Harvey would say ;)

About your sign on name, I can have that fixed to the correct spelling if you wish - Chris. :v

Dude, Please Fix The Sign On. Yes, Shane Let It Go To The Bank. I Bought It. No, Aspirated Engine. Went Back Through It. Way Too Much Money To Discuss, About 3 Months Pay. He Snapped A Turbo, A Connecting Rod And Scored The Crank. I Have Done Way Too Many Upgrades To It, But, Without A Turbo I Am Sitting The Car In A Garage.
I am working on changing your name to read CALLAWAY1988, if that is what you like -
That was a shame what happened to the 88, I heard Shane ran it with little oil in that cars crank case :eek down the 1/8th mi track "looking for more speed" - wild thing is, these Callaways need MORE trrack, not Less :eek
Do you work at Tom Jumper??
Keep the faith :beer
BTW - there is a guy here (8388, Sam) who has a set of dark red Dymags, he was looking to get them refinished in white, maybe you guy's could work a deal in trade?? If you were looking to change out the white wheels - the ones on your car originally were silver finish.
I have been investigating this option also. There is another forum member here who put a couple of T3/T4 hybrids in his car. He also had to fab a wastegate path.

I did talk to Jeb Burnett of CF.com who was telling me he had a turbo that would fit the car and it also had a built in wastegate path. I can't remember what size turbo it was. Mike Norris and I also were talking about this and he said he could put the turbos in the car that goes on the LPE packages he installs. The turbos run about 3,300 each.
Yeah, I Am Assistant Service Manager. Got More Pics In Briefcase. Wouldnt Believe What We Spent On The Motor.
I So Want To Hear This Thing Run. Of Course, For The Sake Of Value, It Would Be Great To Fix It With Original Equipment. However, Way Things Are Going, If I Want To Drive It In This Decade, I May Have To Consider Other Ways To Do This.
You Know This Car Well. I Have Ridden In It Before Shane Got It. It Was Blistering Fast. I Have Done Some Additional Goodies To It, That Should Make It More Fun To Drive. But, Until This Turbo Thing Gets Fixed, I Wont Know.
:eek Wow, I didn't think we'd ever see that car again. I wish you luck in getting it back on the road again. It's a great car and what happened to it was a real shame.
CALLOWAY1988 said:
I So Want To Hear This Thing Run. Of Course, For The Sake Of Value, It Would Be Great To Fix It With Original Equipment. However, Way Things Are Going, If I Want To Drive It In This Decade, I May Have To Consider Other Ways To Do This.
I can understand the desire to have an original car, but i the bottom line is there are no more of these turbos to be had. Hence Callaway and others looking at new options for turbos.

The good thing about this...new turbo technology will make the car run better. Bad side is it won't be original.

I would guess that those who drive their cars and can afford to do so, would be wise to put whatever turbos Callaway can find on the car and save the originals.
SurfnSun said:
I can understand the desire to have an original car, but i the bottom line is there are no more of these turbos to be had. Hence Callaway and others looking at new options for turbos.

The good thing about this...new turbo technology will make the car run better. Bad side is it won't be original.

I would guess that those who drive their cars and can afford to do so, would be wise to put whatever turbos Callaway can find on the car and save the originals.
If I had a need for turbos and there was a set that would physically work, I would use them if blessed by Old Lyme - Not like you can look under and see them, right ;)
Keep the faith :m
Hey Guy, Can You Put Me In Touch With Someone Who Can Mount Me Two Of Something On This Car. I Think I Am Going To Wait Things Out. Keep My Original Stuff, But, Waiting Until I Can Get Them Corrected Before Installing Them. I Want To Drive It!!! Thanks
Two words. David Fulcher. He's a master GM mechanic that is within your area. From what I've "heard"... he does a fair amount of "side" work and is intimately familiar with Callaways... and also your car! I'll send you his contact info via p.m.
some how I don't think David is going to be interested in helping.....

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