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Help! Distributor advance curves

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Does anyone know where I could find distributor advance curves. I need that info for an 1112051 and 1111024 distributors. These are both C2 distributors.

Alternatively I think the 051 distributor is a 1965 and the service manual may give the advance at 3 points.
Does anyone know where I could find distributor advance curves. I need that info for an 1112051 and 1111024 distributors. These are both C2 distributors.

Alternatively I think the 051 distributor is a 1965 and the service manual may give the advance at 3 points.

The 1111024 was used on '63-'64 250 and 300hp engines; 0* @ 700, 11* @ 1600, 24* @ 4600.

The 1112051 was used on '71 454/365hp LS5 and '72 454/270hp LS5; 0* @ 860, 2* @ 1150, 14* @ 2000, 22* @ 3900. 1971 was its first usage.


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