Well, I've been thinking that my engine needs to be rebuilt because it's making funny noises, but since I have no clue what a screwed up engine sounds like, maybe someone here can help. I was reading a post on oil-cleaners or something, and someone was talking about noisy lifters, and that's what prompted this question.
The noise sounds like a repetitive thunk that increases with RPM. However, there is no noise at all if I keep the RPMs low. In the morning when the engine is cold, the threshold RPM where the noise starts is lower, but as the engine is driven for a while and warmed up, it seems that I can go at higher RPMs and the thunking doesn't show up.
Maybe I can record the sound and put it on here? I have a digital recorder that can record it to .wav format. But someone has to tell me what to listen for. Like should I rev the engine and make the sound appear, and what different things I should do to help the diagnostic process.
thanks everyone
Imran - 74 Convt
The noise sounds like a repetitive thunk that increases with RPM. However, there is no noise at all if I keep the RPMs low. In the morning when the engine is cold, the threshold RPM where the noise starts is lower, but as the engine is driven for a while and warmed up, it seems that I can go at higher RPMs and the thunking doesn't show up.
Maybe I can record the sound and put it on here? I have a digital recorder that can record it to .wav format. But someone has to tell me what to listen for. Like should I rev the engine and make the sound appear, and what different things I should do to help the diagnostic process.
thanks everyone
Imran - 74 Convt