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SO there i was... going to be super cool, driving to work with my top-off. Got to work and people started climbing all over my new Vette. In a slight hurry to get my top on and maybe showing my friends how to do it... i forgot to unlock the middle lock upon installation, did you know that it can be installed that way? it can! and you guessed it, i didn't catch it till i got home. That's about 20 miles later. The damage to my new Vette... Cut seal and a nice little dent in the solid top where the latch vibrated against the bottom of the top. I had to take the top off and store it till i can get it fixed. Good thing i have another top. Trust me i was very careful when i put it on this morning. Hard lesson learned after a perfect delivery at the NCM and 980 mile trip home. Got the windows tinted this week by a local installer...25% charcoal on the back and side windows. Don't forget to Wave!!!