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Electrical Gremblins Attack - Sudden Loss of Power


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2003
Long Island, NY
1981 White Coupe
Since I've gotten my wheels/trailing arm assembly/brakes straighted out, I've been driving the Vette finally quite often. So, now, I'm weeding through the little problems and annoyances.

While I was driving, and put my turn signal on, and my radio went off, the Tach flipped out, and all my lights flashed. The same thing would happen when I hit the brake pedal. At one point, it even seemed to shut off/stop running for a second and then come back on. I also noticed a couple of times after I shut the car off, that the alarm wouldn't engage, as if there were no power. Then, after a couple of minutes or so, it would work again.

Here's the thing, it's inconsistant! I was thinking maybe it was cause I hit a bump, but there were other times I was on really rough roads, and nothing happened. I just drove it a bunch today, and no problems. One of my wires was loose on the starter, causing me to not be able to start, although having power/lights working.

I repaired this as well as went through all the grounds I could find...sanding down to clean the metal contacts, and using electrical spray cleaner as well.

This is quite aggravating, especially because I have an Eclipse stereo that because of the power surges, thinks it's stolen, and locks itself from me! Luckily I wrote down the procedure that the tech support stepped me through in order to unlock it!

Thanks for your patience reading all this! HELP!

- Jeremy

This may be way too simplistic, but... I had the exact same problem when I drove to Bowling Green last year for the 50th. Lights, radio, engine dying out for a few seconds, etc.

I pulled over and eventually found the lead power wire to the distributor was loose... I simply pushed on it, it clicked into place, and off I went.

Good luck... Brian
Interesting...you may be right...I just did a full tune up including cap and rotor! Thanks, I will check this out.

Another thing I forgot to mention/ask...when I routed my new wires, since I have headers, I tried my best to keep them away from the heat. On the passengers side of the engine, the two farthest plugs, I ran through the engine mount, and then around and kind of on top of the starter. This shouldn't cause any problems right?

Thanks again!

- Jeremy
Ludigdrums said:
Another thing I forgot to mention/ask...when I routed my new wires, since I have headers, I tried my best to keep them away from the heat. On the passengers side of the engine, the two farthest plugs, I ran through the engine mount, and then around and kind of on top of the starter. This shouldn't cause any problems right?
I have some Hooker headers... been so long since we routed the wires (when we dropped in the crate moter 2 years ago), I'll check mine later and get back to you. I am SURE they do not go through the engine mount.

I have never known 'heat' to cause a problem with the wires. 'Touching/Rubbing' the 'heat' does however cause issues.
Yeah, I meant touching the headers...

Also, I'm pretty sure that going through the engine mounts is the correct "factory" way of routing. Also, that's how they were done previously, plus, I think I found on this forum that they should be.

Either way, it'd be cool to see a pic of how you've routed the wires away from those hookers!


- Jeremy

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