Block #3970010 was used from 1969 until 1979. In 1970 if the original block, it would be a 4-bolt main and was used in the 300,350, & 370 horsepower configurations. However, this casting was also used in Chevelles, Camaros, and Novas in 1970. The 4-bolt main version was also used in some trucks.
V0615CTK indicates Flint engine plant, assemled on the 15th day of production in the 6th month of production. CTG is listed as a manual transmission, transitor ignition, 370 hp motor equiped with a Holly 4BBL carburator. In other words, this should be an LT1 motor if the numbers are real. There should be a partial VIN on the pad where you found this number, and according to Corvette by the Numbers, it was a late production, after 3/24/70 so thew VIN should be around 407977 or higher. If it truely is a June production car, the VIN would be between 410652 and 413829.
I have never heard of mirror image stamping, but if you can't see an other numbers on the stamp pad, I would be suspcious and have someone who really knows Vettes well have a look at it.
Hope this helps.