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fan shroud inspection labels

  • Thread starter Thread starter 435er
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trying to find out if the 3 fan shroud inspection labels for a 67 bb are place
on the top or bottom side of the assembly.thanks kindly.
435er said:
trying to find out if the 3 fan shroud inspection labels for a 67 bb are place
on the top or bottom side of the assembly.thanks kindly.

Welcome to the forum,I dont know the answer to your question But I wanted to Say hello and welcome you,Some should have this answer for you soon.
thankyou for the welcome,it is a pleasure to be aboard.
trying to find out if the 3 fan shroud inspection labels for a 67 bb are place
on the top or bottom side of the assembly.thanks kindly.

I have the same question. The labels are white with the black capital letters "DF". I was told that they were used for BB cars only, and that 3 were used for non-AC cars, and 4 for cars with AC. Do the letters face any particular way? Do they go on the inside or outside of the shroud? Come on, judges! Help us out!;shrug
I have the same question. The labels are white with the black capital letters "DF". I was told that they were used for BB cars only, and that 3 were used for non-AC cars, and 4 for cars with AC. Do the letters face any particular way? Do they go on the inside or outside of the shroud? Come on, judges! Help us out!;shrug

There is not universal agreement in the midyear judging community that those stickers were present originally; some of us are of the opinion that they're a vendor-inspired item. I never take a deduction if they're not present. This is one of the many items being reviewed by the '67 Judging Guide Revision Team for the next revised edition.


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