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First 1966 Corvette Racecar on Display

Tyler Townsley

Well-known member
Jul 29, 2001
Nichols. Florida
55 , 66 coupe, 68 convert, 88 ZR1, 90 ZR1
On display Fri 22 January only at NCRS Winter Regional, first of 12 1966 Competition only Corvettes built in 1966 s/n 16714. It is in un-restored original condition sans drive train. It has not been seen in public for 30 years. It was used to prototype many items that were later included in the 1967 L-88 packages. Here it is in action.

http://deliquescence.net/~tyler/misc/66 proto.jpg

Display includes documentation and other special parts.
Tyler, is this a pre production L88?

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