As the self proclaimed dyno king of the forum(as my car made MANY MANY pulls during tuning over the years), I can offer you a few thoughts.
First.... Callaway TT's hate the dyno. The intercoolers are not placed in a position to do anything while on the dyno. So if youre numbers aren't what youre expecting don't get too upset. Remember while going down the road the functional ducts under the hood are gonna lower your intake air temps a bunch. In cool air driving down the road, my car probably laid down another 30-40rwhp/50-60rwtq as to what the dyno would be a COMPLETELY different car.
Second....Id run some good gas b.c of the heat build up. The safety net is worth it when you think about the cost of your short block.
Third..... listen VERY closely for detonation during the pull unless youre "driving" and then have someone one else listen for you. Cut off immediately if you hear it. Make sure youre hooked up to a wideband o2 also.
Last...obviously the ideal conditions would be 50 degrees with no humidity, but basically the cooler the better. I always wanted to get some dry ice or a CO2 fire extinguisher and freeze the intercoolers before a pull, that will net you the best numbers. Ambient air temps over my motor were in excess of 150 degrees when we were tuning.
Pulls are usually done from 2k rpm to redline. Don't let them run it too long between pulls...I found my car really wouldn't cool down much after the first pull even when the fan on the radiator....a big radiator should help some.
here is a link to my graph...the most overposted dyno sheet on the web :L :L :L