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First Snow in Maine


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
66 Roadster Glen Green/Saddle
It is a beautiful day here in Maine. We had our first snow last night and this morning, the roads are clear and since the car is getting painted in January, why not enjoy the day driving. I would like to share some pictures with you.

Remember, Drive your car. You only have so much time, to do it. Drive your car every chance you can. Your car will love you for it. You will love your car for giving you the pleasure like no other car.

PS Dunlap SP 60 215 70 R 15 All season tires

Yup we got that same stuff :ugh

oh well!!!:thumb
Talk about a winter wonderland!


Nice photos Jack! Glad to see you can still enjoy your Vette occasionally. :thumb

Thanks for sharing the photos!

:wJane Ann
Well Jack you must be real excited about the extended forecast :D I'm heading for Mississippi this week so I put the plow on the truck for the wife to plow while I'm gone .:ohnoes
I had both of my Vettes out today to air them out a little while the weather in OK to do so. The SNOW is pretty but keep it in there.
Grow up , you know your'e going to get it

I had both of my Vettes out today to air them out a little while the weather in OK to do so. The SNOW is pretty but keep it in there.

Corvettes handle real well in snow........ You just have to know how. What is a little salt on the frame, are you going to let that stop you from enjoying your car, a car that will need something fixed next week? Don't let it stop you, Drive , Drive , Drive,,, I am going to get in trouble with NCRS ?, as a member , I guess that could be blasphemy in some circles.

Jack, are you going to put some Glen Green paint on it this Winter?

I worked on my 90 six speed today. It runs so much better now. It was missing quite a bit all of a sudden. Cap and rotor did the job. New plugs and wires this week.

Jack, are you going to put some Glen Green paint on it this Winter?

I worked on my 90 six speed today. It runs so much better now. It was missing quite a bit all of a sudden. Cap and rotor did the job. New plugs and wires this week.

I am going to return in to the original color that it was when I bought it..

See photo. (not of my car, but same year, color , trim)

I just though that it would be a pain to have someone at every stop (48 state trip) telling me the car looks great but is the wrong color.

So back to the Milano Maroon.

We got our first snow last night, about 2" and I am glad I took the 2 girls out Sat for a little spin. We have 3 Yorkies and the new one steped in the snow this morning and did nothing but head for he door. He is on my lap now as I post this. I don't want to put him down or he will pee. Oh well like it or not the snow is here and he is going back out in it, but the Vettes are covered up in the garage taking a knap on the carpet. Later all, I got to take ZORA out to PEEEEEEE.
Great looking photos Jack. :w I hope your heater was in working order.
Never a problem with heat

Great looking photos Jack. :w I hope your heater was in working order.

Put some chains on the back wheels of that beautiful car of yours and come on up.

Rained all day today,, will be clear tomorrow, if dry, I am on the road again. Snows gone, and I keep procrastinating on taking off all the chrome , emblems , handles , seats, etc and giving it to the painter next month.

If I come through your area on my trip I will stop by.


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