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Front end masks


Active member
Apr 15, 2004
central Missouri
Who has a bra on their C3 ? Does anyone make one that just fits the front part of the hood. The nose on my car is in pretty good shape but the front 4-6 inches of the hood is in need of TLC. I want to repaint the whole car in the future but a bra to cover up that part of the hood would be so much easier/ quicker for right now.
Thanks for the help.
I don't have one but have heard that over time, they can wear thru the paint in spots due to wind buffeting. Course if you're planning a repaint, that won't be an issue. Maybe someone else can comment on this. Charles
i have one...

came with the car...i dont care for them but i use it when i go on trips....like to the CAC Cruise-fest this coming May.......it only goes about 1 or 2 inches past the front of the hood...this is a '73....not much help...i could send a pic if you need to see it.
72Mako said:
I don't have one but have heard that over time, they can wear thru the paint in spots due to wind buffeting. Course if you're planning a repaint, that won't be an issue. Maybe someone else can comment on this. Charles
Thanks for the input. I think I'll take the car up the street and get an estimate on repainting just the hood.

you dont need a paint job.it just adds character to the vette!!!

:w :cool

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