i am not sure exactly what your getting at, but i'll guess a little. are you looking at weight transfer from front to rear?? if so, it will take megga hp and traction to pick the front wheels and you most certainly will want a completely different drag race only suspension. the other bonus from the VB&P kit is the latteral balancing, or left/right lift from torque. with the stock suspension the rearend is basically on a pivot, the spring can work like a teader-todder when viewed from the rear. with the dual mount kit and added sway bar, the torque is better applied to both tires. the two biggest draw backs in the stock suspension are non-even loading of the tires and camber changes thru the suspension travel. the torque has a tendency to lift the left rear tire, and then your left with one wheel for traction. the other issue, camber, allows the tires to swing in an arc (when viewed from behind) and only at mid travel are the tires perpendicular to the ground. at either end of the suspension travel, only about 1/3 of the tire tread is actually on the ground, resulting in less traction. so for street cars, the logic points to the VB&P kit, it helped mine get traction off the line. with out it, my ETs would be a good two seconds slower and the crowds would love the smoke shows. i hope i didn't confuse anyone, it has been a long day and i'm rambling, sorry. Brian