It sounds like your high pressure pump gears are binding. The pump should turn freely enough that you can rotate the gears by hand. In other words, stick a bare cable in the end of the pump and see how hard it is to turn the cable with your fingers. It should feel stiff, but not difficult to turn.
These FI pumps can be easily rebuilt by someone with experience for about $75 labor. If you're going to try it yourself, be aware that anything you damage will be expensive to replace. Used pumps bring $500 - $600 on eBay. Only the carbon bushings, steel main shaft, and the seals are available reproduction.
I am not soliciting your business. There are many folks who rebuild pumps. Try John DeGregory at (724) 832-3786, or Frank Antonicelli at (717) 566-5039. Both are located in PA. Both are honest and very competent.