I'm in the middle of a Bubba correction.
Seems Bubba fixed a gas leak by throwing a bunch of some kind of sealant on my sending unit, outside on the bottom of the tank. I was able to remove the stuff and take out the sending unit. A bit of soldering and it's now it's fixed to the point that I no longer have to worry about a future leak there. I noticed that the nylon "sock" that screens the fuel in the tank was broken in half. When it was out the remainder just crumbled. The sending unit is fine, I just want to get some kind of fuel screen back on it. All the GM ones I've seen look pretty much the same.
Any body got a clue where I might find one?
Seems Bubba fixed a gas leak by throwing a bunch of some kind of sealant on my sending unit, outside on the bottom of the tank. I was able to remove the stuff and take out the sending unit. A bit of soldering and it's now it's fixed to the point that I no longer have to worry about a future leak there. I noticed that the nylon "sock" that screens the fuel in the tank was broken in half. When it was out the remainder just crumbled. The sending unit is fine, I just want to get some kind of fuel screen back on it. All the GM ones I've seen look pretty much the same.
Any body got a clue where I might find one?