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Question: Full bar grill


New member
Jul 2, 2015
Mt. Vernon, OR.
69 L71
Does anyone know where I can find a full length bar grill for a 69. I have a picture of a 70 that has one and can supply a picture. This is my first time on the site and can't seem to attach a photo. Thanks for any information..
I've never seen a full length grill on any C3. I suspect the item on the 70 was custom built.
I wonder if it's something like the optional centre grill for those states where front plates aren't required?


If that is what you're looking for, there are a variety of aftermarket suppliers for them and OEM stuff still pops up on eBay and other online vendors occasionally.

I've seen those center grilles installed before. It's a nice look. A full width custom chrome tube grille was available from places like JC Whitney back in the '70s. One would probably be very hard to find today. The chrome was poor quality and they rusted badly.

The center grill, like the one in Mac's picture, was standard on all 68-69 Corvettes, wheter a front plate was required or not. The front license plate bracket was installed in front of the center grill. The 70-72 Corvettes had a similar center grill installed with the front plate bracket. 68-69 grills were plastic, 70-72 grills were diecast metal. A one piece grill would be a aftermarket item and probably hard to find, since most people are not customising C3 any longer.

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