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Help! Gauges

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I have a 1962 that has been rewired with a painless kit. I bought the car stripped. How do I know if the temp and amp meters are working? I have power to both? Thanks ds3056
I have a 1962 that has been rewired with a painless kit. I bought the car stripped. How do I know if the temp and amp meters are working? I have power to both? Thanks ds3056
the temp is easy, take the sensor and put it in VERY hot water...you should see it rise on the gage....put a meat thermometer in the water to check.
I have a 1962 that has been rewired with a painless kit. I bought the car stripped. How do I know if the temp and amp meters are working? I have power to both? Thanks ds3056

Welcome to the forum, Looks like you joined a while ago and this is your first post. Are they the stock gauges and just a painless harness. I have a 62 I put a painless harness in my self.

Is the electrical system complete in the car that you can put the battery in and turn on the lights to check the amp gauge to see if it moves

Good luck with your car when you get a chance fill us in on the details of your car
I have a 1962 that has been rewired with a painless kit. I bought the car stripped. How do I know if the temp and amp meters are working? I have power to both? Thanks ds3056

Most Painless kits are "generic" (not made for any particular application), and I've never seen one that's made for the C1 Corvette ammeter system, with battery power to one side of the ammeter and all the feeds to the rest of the car on other side of the ammeter. Painless harnesses usually are just set up for a voltmeter. How many wires are on each of the two ammeter gauge terminals?


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