People were looking at me like I was crazy. The temp was about 47 F. When I left work, I decided that the top had to go down. It was a little brisk, but nothing that being behind the wheel of a vette wont cure. It was nice. I hope we have a few more days of top down weather left.
People were looking at me like I was crazy. The temp was about 47 F. When I left work, I decided that the top had to go down. It was a little brisk, but nothing that being behind the wheel of a vette wont cure. It was nice. I hope we have a few more days of top down weather left.
Hoooooney, you gots to learn to "ride country" like we do down here in the South---meaning, sho nuff, put the top down--but..., TURN ON THE HEATER!!!!!! That way you're riding in about a 70-some degree environment. Your own little world.
I should have driven the vette to work today , with top down of course , was 63 deg .
Hope I get one more chance to run with it down. Really gonna miss that .
I often go top down in 50 degree days as long as it is sunny, I usually add the leather trench coat to the days attire. although when I get on the freeway I usually roll up the windows and
I think we should be seeing 50 by the weekend. Of course, some folks have it so they don't have winters. (limomanb ) What do you guys call December, January and February?:L
We call Dec-Jan-Feb "tourist season"...90% of the country is cold and they're all trying to vacation here.. Weather is pretty much always in the 70's or high 60's here all year round. Not much rain to speak of either...there is a real panic when it rains and people are ****ed at the weatherman...someone has to take the blame. :eyerole
I hear you guys get that sunshine that has "extra" shine! Buddy of mine went out there this summer and came back with sunburn. Living in Chicago summers for almost 25 years never burned him but 2 weeks in SD burned him. And he's a black guy!
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