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Hard Top header weatherstriping replacement

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Hard Top header weather stripping replacement

The best i can see the weather stripping is riveted to top. If this is correct, how is the best way to install new one?(1961) Thanks Ace;help
Has anyone changed hard top header weather stripping for 1961?
I have no personal experience with the header w/s....but you might contact these folks as they are helpful and do great work.

Auto Entec, 888-340-7812, PA; www.[B]autoentec[/B].com. hardtop restoration,GLASS windows 1953-present; coupe or convertible, side door glass restoration.

Has anyone changed hard top header weather stripping for 1961?

If the '61 hardtop is similar to a '59...

On the hardtop for my '59, the front weatherstrip appears to be riveted on. There are flat washers between the rivet heads and the rubber.

My hardtop was restored by a hardtop restoration company.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for the replies. I spoke with Zip Products today and they have someone that will call me Monday. Ace :thumb
The best i can see the weather stripping is riveted to top. If this is correct, how is the best way to install new one?(1961) Thanks Ace;help

The rivets holding the front weather stripping on are actually threaded with a very course thread. To remove them take a small sharp chisel and tap the head as if you are trying to unscrew a bolt. Once the rivet moves you can probably use a pair of pliers and remove it by twisting and pulling.


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