Boogieman said:
I've been running LONE STAR calipers for 2 yrs. without a bit of trouble.
What are you doing different that I am not using?
I have my car parked with out moving some times for months at a time on a 4 post storage lift.And as walk around the lift I have found if the car sits longer then 3 weeks I can see a shinny trail on the tire from the brake fluid weeping out of the caliper some place.The longer it sits the wider and more covreage of the tire with fluid on it becomes more apparent.I check the master and it show little if no fluid loss. (If I did not park the car on a lift I do not think I would notice the leak /weepage just by checking the master cylender) But looking at the tires its very clear there is weepage.I have a full set of lonestar but at this time the fronts are the only ones I have installed and both front sets weep. I ran into a fellow from lone star at corvettes of carlilse and he said that they normally dont have this type of a problem send them in and they will correct the problem immedately and I am sure they are an excellent company and have an excellent product but this is 4 new/rebuilt calipers so eather I am doing some thing wrong or I am just having terrible luck.The first set I bled the brakes the normal way and they weeped on my tires
Now the secound set I did use a power bleeder on, had this been the first set I may have thought the power bleeder caused the problem.So now with a weeping set I need to do something different.
When I first purchased my car I installed a set of rebuilt calipers from the local auto parts store and they are still on the car and have never seen a drop of fluid from them.
Now I do repaint my calipers black as soon as I get them and place the dabs of paint on them byt I always mask off the inner area and not get paint on them.I had thought maybee the first set I could have possibly gotton over spray on the rubbers but upon removal of the first set there was no paint any where near the rubbers.
Does your car sit longer then 3 weeks at a time?
Have you peaked at your tires to see if there is any fluid weepage on them.Again the only reason I know they are weeping is because its up on a lift and I see the tires at face level almost every day I am in the garage and the longer it sits the further this fluid stain exstends on the tire.Ii am going to see if I can take a picture of the weepage.
Just so you know I am a fellow who belives a car can sit for a year and should not lose ONE DROP of fluid.I will not tolorate any fluid leakage EVER!