With the extra rumble that you are after, you will also get some annoying rumble that will creep up on you at lower RPM in traffic or at low highway speed.
With that rear window design, and the pipes with headers, it will pick up a low bass droan at certain speeds. Usually, you can turn the radio up above it. You may LOVE it for the first six months, but after a while it gets really old. With CATS on the car and a cross over it is not so bad. True duals and headers however will talk to you.
I really don't care when it is just me in the car. When Nikki is riding with me it is annoying because at certain speeds and gears all you can hear is Whaoooooooooooooooooooooo (do that in your deepest possible tone and have somebody plug your ears and you kind of cup your mouth for effect).
However, sometimes the slightest things can change this from car to car. For example, good lean fuel, and tight advanced timing with a crisp gear ratio will keep it humming above the droan zone. So, some cars may sound really sweet, and those exact same exhaust components won't sound the same on another.
One cool thing is you can install regular budget headers. Dent, ding, scratch, do whatever you have to so that they fit. Bolt it all together and listen to it. If you are happy, get them off and send them out to Jet Hott or any of the places that ceramic coat. Now you have a decent investment and the headers will look good and last a long time. Hey, if it is too noisy, or you are tired of header gaskets blowing etc. yank them off and go back stock. No big investment.