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Question: Horn blows when turning wheel hard.


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2008
Blacksburg, Virginia
64 Red HT/Convertible
I have a manual steering 64 vette and sometimes when I turn the steering wheel hard in either direction the horn blows for just an instant. What do you think is going on?? :eyerole
I had this problem with my 66

I tore the colomn apart

I found the tits at the end of the column sheared off so the bell was actually lose. I also found the top bearing and the bottom bearing worn out. I replaced my column and rebuilt my column and all was well after.

I also replaced my steering rag joint and rebuilt my clutch and brake pedal assembly at the same time while the column was out.

Not sure if your having the same problem but this is how I cured mine, Mine normally honked when I was banging gears kinda the wrong time to be honking the horn Good luck I had some pictures I will look to see if I still have them from the colum rebuild
Have you found people getting pissed at you and giving you the finger for it yet.... happend to me in one of the rust buckets i drove when i was a kid...... nearly got my butt kicked a few times for no good reason
Thanks for the feedback! I have noticed that the bell on the column seems loose. This may be a winter project tearing out and rebuilding the column. Any pictures would be great! So far the horn hasn't gotten me into any trouble. :beer
Thanks for the feedback! I have noticed that the bell on the column seems loose. This may be a winter project tearing out and rebuilding the column. Any pictures would be great! So far the horn hasn't gotten me into any trouble. :beer

Here is my post from when I did mine.

I am still looking for the photos. Some how I misplaced a ton of corvette pictures on my computers. or lost them in a crash

Just went out to day and purchased a 8 gig memory card to back up my computers on and put in the safe, I have not backed up since my last crash and every time I am looking for photos I think I better back up now
Have you found people getting pissed at you and giving you the finger for it yet.... happend to me in one of the rust buckets i drove when i was a kid...... nearly got my butt kicked a few times for no good reason

I had this happen to me on a 1974 Ford Gran Torino Broughm. I very quickly learned to smile and wave every time it happened even if nobody was around. I must have seemed very friendly and/or crazy to alot of strangers, but it kept me from getting driven off the road or shot at :)

I pulled the fuse until I could get it fixed. Good luck!
Horn Blowing

:bash I had the EXACT same problem with my 1964. I took it to a corvette shop here in Columbus. The problem was the inside cam and wiring. It had to be replaced. DO NOT order a replacement from anyone other than electric limited. The aftermarket stuff is pure junk. Went thru two of them in two weeks. Electric limited offers two versions. One made overseas (A NO NO) and the other USA made. Get the USA one. Works perfect. The other two came from Corvette Central and just don't work right. The small metal strip in the cam is nothing but JUNK. Good luck.
Thanks for the information. This sounds better than a column rebuild. I guess after I pull the wheel I can check for wear and other things. I had a 64 back in the 60's and it did the same thing and I remember pulling the wheel and putting in a new wiring harness. I think the old harness showed signs of the horn wire pincing in the column and causing contact to metal. Frankly I am having so many other things going on with this new purchase that the horn will probably be a winter project.:thumb
Thanks for the pictures!! I will have to do this pretty soon. Right now I am replacing a melted pink wire from my coil to the solenoid. I think I pinced it putting on the chrome shroud or at least I hope so. I am putting in another wire today cross your finger smoke doesn't fly again.

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