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Horn button emblem


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
66 Roadster Glen Green/Saddle
My 66 roadster horn button emblem has lost all color after 43 years. Short of buying a new horn button I wonder if it is the same emblem that is on my hub cap spinners. (they have lost all their color also, but can be replaced) They both seem to be the same size and both are made of plastic. I have not taken my button apart yet , (rivets hold a back plate in).

Does any one know if they are the same or can the horn emblem alone be replaced?

My 66 roadster horn button emblem has lost all color after 43 years. Short of buying a new horn button I wonder if it is the same emblem that is on my hub cap spinners. (they have lost all their color also, but can be replaced) They both seem to be the same size and both are made of plastic. I have not taken my button apart yet , (rivets hold a back plate in).

Does any one know if they are the same or can the horn emblem alone be replaced?


Numerous internet catalogs have the horn button selling for $69.99. Zip-Corvettes sells it for $61.99 Buttons for telescoping columns is a few dollars more. Good luck. :w

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