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I have just replaced the rear end cover on my 73 Vette....due to one of the ears cracking off (among other problems). I purchased a new cover from Muskegon Brake....which was delivered almost next day.....and went on with no problem. Thanks Muskegon Brake! Anyhow, I replaced everything in the tail and set the car down. Now my question tight do I get the four bolts that hold the spring to the underside of the cover? I know the tech manual says 55 to 60 ft.lbs. Once I got the car on the ground and got the suspension settled.....the front two bolts tightened up, but the rear ones that go into the ears don't seem that tight. I tightened them up so the lock washers flattened.....but do not want to overtighten them for obvious reasons. Is it alright to tighten them snuggly so the lock washers flatten out......or do I have to really torque them? It was a lot of work (plus lost road time) replacing the cover....and I don't want to do something boneheaded like break an ear off again. Thanks..............