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Question: installing a 12 cd changer


Apr 22, 2009
North Grafton , Ma.
2002 triple black conv.
Where does it bolt up to, and what kind of harness is required if one is not present? Does anyone have diagram?
Where does it bolt up to, and what kind of harness is required if one is not present? Does anyone have diagram?

I would be interested in information on this as well if anyone out there has done this please share ;help

Bill :w
Where does it bolt up to, and what kind of harness is required if one is not present? Does anyone have diagram?

Appears you are new here with one post; let me be the first to welcome you to Corvette Action Center. You might want to post under the introduction section for a warm welcome from others in the group.

Bill :w
I've considered installing a 12 disc changer several times in my '04 and actually downloaded all the instructions. It is a fairly involved process, especially if the factory harness isn't there. I recommend you get an ipod and play it through the radio. Keep it simple. Also, the 12 disc changers for sale out on the net (like ebay) are all getting fairly old and could have problems. If you already own an ipod all you need is the FM converter and you're all set.
To connect the factory 12 disc changer you will need the cable that runs from the back of the radio to the trunk area. The changer is mounted in the center compartment, I believe. The cable alone is around $175 if I remember right. The changer is around $775 and if you want a couple of extra CD magazines they run about $140 each. Given those kind of prices you are way ahead getting an iPod and installing it. I have heard that using an FM converter doesn't always work the best. You can hardwire the iPod into the factory radio with a connection kit. The biggest part of the job is taking the console out and pulling the radio out so the you can plug it into the back of the radio. I did mine shortly after I got it and I have been very happy with it. One word of caution, the kit is more expensive than the FM converter. Make sure you get the right cable to plug into the radio. You will find the adapter at http://www.discountcarstereo.com/detail.aspx?ID=1162
The cable is at http://www.discountcarstereo.com/detail.aspx?ID=952 If hardwiring is the way that you want to.
Good Info. . . . . . . . . . Thanks!

Very, very good information :thumb

I really appreicate it, thanks a lot,

Bill :w
CD Changer

To connect the factory 12 disc changer you will need the cable that runs from the back of the radio to the trunk area. The changer is mounted in the center compartment, I believe. The cable alone is around $175 if I remember right. The changer is around $775 and if you want a couple of extra CD magazines they run about $140 each. Given those kind of prices you are way ahead getting an iPod and installing it. I have heard that using an FM converter doesn't always work the best. You can hardwire the iPod into the factory radio with a connection kit. The biggest part of the job is taking the console out and pulling the radio out so the you can plug it into the back of the radio. I did mine shortly after I got it and I have been very happy with it. One word of caution, the kit is more expensive than the FM converter. Make sure you get the right cable to plug into the radio. You will find the adapter at ISGM73 - Peripheral ISGM73 iPod™ Adapter Package for select 1995-08 GM - .Browse By Vehicle - iPod™ Adapters - iPod™ Adapters - iPod™ Adapters - iPod™ Adapters - iPod™ Adapters - iPod™ Adapters - iPod™ Adapters - Peripheral - Peripher
The cable is at PXHGM4 - Peripheral PXHGM4 Harness for iPod2Car/Aux2Car in Select 1997-04 Corvette - .Browse By Vehicle - Accessories - iPod™ Adapters - Peripheral - Discount Car Stereo.com - Detail If hardwiring is the way that you want to.
I have ordered the cable and will give it a try! Things always look easier than they are. I never gave the I pod thing a thought I think I should have gone in that direction. Thanks for the input! Just think how nice it would have been if the factory cable was there!! No luck!!
I have ordered the cable and will give it a try! Things always look easier than they are. I never gave the I pod thing a thought I think I should have gone in that direction. Thanks for the input! Just think how nice it would have been if the factory cable was there!! No luck!!

So you are saying the factory cable is definently not there; correct? I had always heard they were all wired for this and the cable was there some place; but had no personal knowledge of this myself.

Bill :w
So you are saying the factory cable is definently not there; correct? I had always heard they were all wired for this and the cable was there some place; but had no personal knowledge of this myself.

Bill :w
No , I have pulled all the carpet up and definently not there, although looks like someone had something there. They must have taken the whole deal out when they sold the car. Got the cable today fits the cd changer now just have to see if it wires up to the passengers side floor.
Thanks for your input. I will up date when up and running.
To connect the factory 12 disc changer you will need the cable that runs from the back of the radio to the trunk area. The changer is mounted in the center compartment, I believe. The cable alone is around $175 if I remember right. The changer is around $775 and if you want a couple of extra CD magazines they run about $140 each. Given those kind of prices you are way ahead getting an iPod and installing it. I have heard that using an FM converter doesn't always work the best. You can hardwire the iPod into the factory radio with a connection kit. The biggest part of the job is taking the console out and pulling the radio out so the you can plug it into the back of the radio. I did mine shortly after I got it and I have been very happy with it. One word of caution, the kit is more expensive than the FM converter. Make sure you get the right cable to plug into the radio. You will find the adapter at ISGM73 - Peripheral ISGM73 iPod™ Adapter Package for select 1995-08 GM - .Browse By Vehicle - iPod™ Adapters - iPod™ Adapters - iPod™ Adapters - iPod™ Adapters - iPod™ Adapters - iPod™ Adapters - iPod™ Adapters - Peripheral - Peripher
The cable is at PXHGM4 - Peripheral PXHGM4 Harness for iPod2Car/Aux2Car in Select 1997-04 Corvette - .Browse By Vehicle - Accessories - iPod™ Adapters - Peripheral - Discount Car Stereo.com - Detail If hardwiring is the way that you want to.
Got a brand new cable and it fits the cd changer so far so good only paid $59.00 for it so far so good will try to hook up over the weekend , thanks for your input.
No , I have pulled all the carpet up and definently not there, although looks like someone had something there. They must have taken the whole deal out when they sold the car. Got the cable today fits the cd changer now just have to see if it wires up to the passengers side floor.
Thanks for your input. I will up date when up and running.

Sounds good; I was always going to look just never got around to it ;shrug

Bill :w
For those who want to look at wireless, you might want to check this one out. Amazon.com: Macally Docking, Charging, and FM Transmitter Station for iPod (Black): Electronics

I've been doing a lot of research on the different transmitters and this one seems to get the best reviews. I am going to get it and will write a review down the line.

This is a pretty neat design for sure; love the way it fits in the cup holder, how or do you know does it fit in the so called cup holder of the C-5? The reviews are somewhat mixed; so this has me a little concerned; are you buying one :confused I would rather talk to some one who has used it and give me the straight skinny;shrug More 5 stars than anything though :cool Again pretty igenious design I must say!

63 Reviews

5 star: (37)
4 star: (15)
3 star: (5)
2 star: (2)
1 star: (4)​

Bill :w
This is a pretty neat design for sure; love the way it fits in the cup holder, how or do you know does it fit in the so called cup holder of the C-5? The reviews are somewhat mixed; so this has me a little concerned; are you buying one :confused I would rather talk to some one who has used it and give me the straight skinny;shrug More 5 stars than anything though :cool Again pretty igenious design I must say!

Bill :w

Bill, yeah I'm going to order it this weekend and give it a try. The reviews on it are definitely better than iTrips, the Kensingtons, or the Monster FM transmitters. Mac World gave it a good review too. Will definitely let y'all know how well it works.

Bill, yeah I'm going to order it this weekend and give it a try. The reviews on it are definitely better than iTrips, the Kensingtons, or the Monster FM transmitters. Mac World gave it a good review too. Will definitely let y'all know how well it works.


I'll be interested in how it works out Rick; do keep us posted :cool Pretty ingenious design, also interested in how it fits in the so called cup holder on the C-5 ;help


Bill :w
OK, after using the Macally FMcup for a good week now, I think I'm ready to give my report.

In general, I am very pleased with this FM transmitter. While no FM tranmistter will sound as good as hard-wired, this gets as close to hard-wired as possible relative to other options. The good:

1. It allows tuning to the entire FM spectrum (88.1+). The FM band is pretty crowded here in Colorado Springs so I was concerned that I would have problems. While it took a while to find the perfect frequency, once I found it, the iPod signal is transmitted loud and clear. No static. It obviously has enough power to overcome bleed over.

2. Easy hook up and use.

3. The iPod is stable in the adaptor. It's location makes changing playlists and so on convenient.

4. It fit my iPod Classic perfectly. It also comes with adaptors for all iPods BTW. You can also use it for portable cd players or other MP3 players by connecting the iCup to the headphone jack...cable included.

5. It charges your iPod as advertised.

6. It's color and design makes it blend in well with the console.

7. Sturdy and well constructed.

The bad (not really bad, but things that make it NOT perfect)

1. Doesn't fit "perfectly" in the console cupholder. If the door was not on the cup holder it would. I'm not willing to remove the door. It does fit perfectly in my Travel Buddy, but I don't want it down there. Though not "perfect" it is still secure in the cupholder. The spring loaded grips work well. I put the car through some paces (some hard rights and lefts) and the FMCup did not move. Though not perfect, I can live with this.

2. I did need to remove my iPod case for it to fit in the docking station. BFD.

3. Doesn't seem to have the ability to set your own presets. The Quick Search button just gives you the chance to switch between factory set stations. So if you have found some frequencies that work pretty good and you need to switch around quickly, well not so much. I just set FM2 presets on the stereo. I will have to change the frequency on the FMCup manually. This is just something I'll have to live with. Once again, this is a minor thing to me.

4. The power cord is bulky (coiled). You can't really close your ashtray while it is plugged in. Minor annoyance.

5. You need to set the volume on the iPod to max and adjust the volume on the stereo for it to sound right. This is to be expected, though, as FCC regulations limit the power on these types of devices. It is still more powerful than other options.

With all things considered, I do not regret this purchase at all and feel good in recommending it over less expensive alternatives like the iTrip. At $44.00 on Amazon.com it qualifies for free shipping. It is worth the extra cost. If you do not wish to go through the expense or hassle of hard-wiring, this is a really good option.


Some things to consider if you're thinking about getting this:

1. I have an automatic so the FMCup does not get in the way. I really don't know if this is the case with a six-speed. If a Coke can doesn't interfere, I don't think this will though.

2. There is no battery option, so if your cigarette lighter or auxillary power in the console doesn't work, this won't either.

OK, after using the Macally FMcup for a good week now, I think I'm ready to give my report.

Thanks for the detailed report, very informational for sure :thumb

Is there anyway you could take a picture of it ;help in the cup holder hooked up so we could see what it looks like installed?

Bill :w
Thanks for the detailed report, very informational for sure :thumb

Is there anyway you could take a picture of it ;help in the cup holder hooked up so we could see what it looks like installed?

Bill :w

Will do!

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