Perhaps this will help, as I just checked into Haggerty and Grundy Insurance to insure a few classics:
Grundy was cheaper, here are their rules: one car has to be insured by another insurance co, and that car has to be used for all your daily driving. Then you can insure your classic if it is at least a 1984 or older, the insurance is based upon what value you set for the car.
Now here is the condition, the classic can't be a daily driver, and you can only drive it to special events, car shows, hobby, and only drive it 3,500 miles per year.
Both sites are on-line and you can get an estimate on-line - works good and fast.
To get various rates, use a different value, like $10,000 or $15,000 - the more "classic" cars, trucks, motorcycles you have insured with Grundy or Hagerty, the lower your rate will be.
Hope this helps - good luck!