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Insurance Questions


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2003
Glenolden Pa
1981 White/ Red int.
Fellow C3 owners, just asking who you insure with and how you have your precious Corvette insured.
Basic Liability, no comp collision, comprehensive?
Do you have it appraised for a 'agreed replacement value' and with who?

Because, even though my 1981 has FULL coverage through Travelers 'if' it gets hit, catches fire etc and the repair cost more than blue book value, it will just be totaled out. If it's stolen I'll only get Blue Book value(maybe).

For Home & Auto I'm about to leave Travelers and been doing some research SOME ins companies (Farmers) won't even offer full coverage on a vehicle that's 15 years and older.

So, who are you using and how is your Vette insured/covered?
My Vettes are insured with a collector car policy issued by the National Corvette Museum Insurance Agency.

Good insurance. Good price. Commissions go to support the NCM.
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions...making calls Monday! :thumb

BTW, Travelers can kiss my hairy A$$
Farmers, and State Farm are showing me much better home-owners coverage at almost 1/3 LESS
(in 28 years with Travlers I never had a claim but for the past 4 consecutive years they keep jacking my rates)
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Farmers' does insure classic cars- thru JC Taylor. I have had Farmers' on my DD's, Harley, and house for years. The Vette and the Model T are both with American Modern Insurance Group. Agreed value on both.
Farmers' does insure classic cars- thru JC Taylor. I have had Farmers' on my DD's, Harley, and house for years. The Vette and the Model T are both with American Modern Insurance Group. Agreed value on both.
I believe Farmers told me my car would have to be a 1979 or older to be considered a Classic. ;shrug
Well, looks like I will have an "agreed-value" coverage through Adam Boca at the National Corvette Museum/American Modern Insurance Group, with a 6000 mileage tier (usually I'm at 3,500)
I actually spoke to Bobbie Joe, a very nice helpful woman to chat with.
Just sent over several pictures...more then they asked for :thumb

UPDATE...done deal and a decent 12 month premium too!
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Fellow C3 owners, just asking who you insure with and how you have your precious Corvette insured.
Basic Liability, no comp collision, comprehensive?
Do you have it appraised for a 'agreed replacement value' and with who?

Because, even though my 1981 has FULL coverage through Travelers 'if' it gets hit, catches fire etc and the repair cost more than blue book value, it will just be totaled out. If it's stolen I'll only get Blue Book value(maybe).

For Home & Auto I'm about to leave Travelers and been doing some research SOME ins companies (Farmers) won't even offer full coverage on a vehicle that's 15 years and older.

So, who are you using and how is your Vette insured/covered?

I have had my corvettes insured with Grundy Worldwide collector car Insurance. The coverage is great, the cost is low and agreed value is set by you and them. They have been great. You should check them out. Gary
$15,000 'agreed value' 12 month (no down time) policy, 6000 mile/annual mileage cap (I usually average 3000) for $100.00
> > > I can't beat that with a stick unless, and God forbid I have a claim and they use or find all kinds of loopholes to not pay > then I would be one :mad Mother F'er.

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