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Is there a chance

Mike Terry

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2007
Greenwood, Indiana
63 SWC and 67 Coupe F/S 54 Corvette NFS
I was just wondering if there is any chance that CAC will ever have a FOR SALE Section. There is a parts for sale and wanted section, but will the ever have a CAR FOR SALE SECTION? Just wondering. Mabe it is somthing that other do not want? Maybe there should be a POLL on it? What does everyone else think?
Hi Mike!

Actually we have two areas that I'm aware of here on the CAC.

The first is this: C1/C2 Cars & Parts For Sale / Wanted - Corvette Action Center

I'm not clear if it's a listing place for parts AND cars, so I'll pose the question to Rob for clarification.

The other is here: Main Index - Corvette Classifieds - 2008 2009 ZR1 Corvettes and Corvette Parts For Sale

It can be accessed either by the link I provided or by clicking the Shop dropdown menu located on every page just beneath the CAC header banner.

I'll get back you about the forum link.
:wJane Ann
Jane thank you for your reply and for checking into having just a section for having Cars For Sale. I think it would be good to keep parts and car in different sections. You have people who just buy or sell parts or look for parts so they can restore cars they are building and you have people that are just looking for cars to buy and sell. Just a thought.

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