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Is This an Original gas cap?


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2002
One owner unrestored Black 1962 FI Corvette
The cap pictured below cam from a 62 Vette that was stored several years ago and I would like to know if it`s legit. If so I`ll sell it so I wont lose it like I normally miss place parts and then can`t find them....:D

I do not believe that is an original Corvette cap. There was a cap with the center of the handle cut out to make 2 ears (3764641) but it was not used later than AIM date 3-9-61. I believe that cap also had a smooth body with no lettering stamped on it even though it was non-vented. After that date only part number 3751027 was used. Its handle is one piece across the center rivet with a flat top and no lettering.

I would guess that one to be a service replacement. Maybe even aftermarket. I know there was an article in The Restorer one time on these caps but I can't find it in the articles index. It may have been part of another article.

If I'm not mistaken, the original cap would have been vented, unlike the one pictured.
hi Tom,

The 62 that the cap is from is a 3400 serial number car. The 3751027 cap you described is apparently like my 'FE cap on my 62 that is number 7512. The early Vettes have a vented tank so the non-vented cap would be appropriate even though it might not be a OE cap. I didn`t want to sell it with out knowing what I have....:upthumbs

If I'm not mistaken, the original cap would have been vented, unlike the one pictured.

The vented cap was only used from '53 through early '57, when the vented tank was introduced, which used a non-vented cap; that continued through the end of '62. :)
The vented cap was only used from '53 through early '57, when the vented tank was introduced, which used a non-vented cap; that continued through the end of '62. :)

Thanks for the info... I had it completely backwards, and was thinking more of the sealed, scavanged systems of today. :duh

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