After you've been around corvettes and corvette people for awhile, you start to see trends come and go. Not that long ago, everyone and his brother was crowing about how much the air foil improved their car's performance, that it ran better, idled better, had more horsepower, etc. I just sat here reading that stuff and shaking my head. And woe to the few people who questioned its effectiveness, they were shouted down by the majority who believed in it and offered plenty of anecdotal evidence about how great it worked.
Now here were are in 2008 and the useless piece of metal has been largely discredited. I suppose there are still a few foolish people who would shell out seventy dollars for a feel-good upgrade, based on their sparklingly upbeat wording:
"Many hours of flow-bench and dyno testing followed up with comprehensive road tests proves this air foil will give you better throttle response, an 11.8 horsepower increase and 36 more CFM."
I mean really, they should turn this into a movie, because it's one of the funniest things I've ever read.