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Just an old radiator?


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2004
NJ - Which exit you from?
65 SB Roadster, 66 BB Coupe
THE BOSS and I have agreed that I will clean out the garage. It was the usual negotiation - she said to do it and I do it.

Anyway, I have an old copper/brass radiator that I pulled out of the'65 sb and now I'm about to throw it out. On the outside chance that this is the radiator out of Zora's personal Z06, how can I tell if it's an original?

I think not, it appears crudely made, no markings whatsoever. It rattles like a coffee can full of rocks. I'll post a picture in a bit. Thanks!
A '65 should be aluminum and have a Harrison ID tag. Part number and date code are stamped directly into the top left of the radiator. I'm guessing it is an economy aftermarket service replacement. Copper scrap is up so don't just throw it away.

A '65 should be aluminum and have a Harrison ID tag. Part number and date code are stamped directly into the top left of the radiator. I'm guessing it is an economy aftermarket service replacement. Copper scrap is up so don't just trow it away.


Hey Tom, thanks!

Good point on the scrap value; the things weighs a ton.
On the outside chance that this is the radiator out of Zora's personal Z06, how can I tell if it's an original?

Well, it MIGHT be the super-secret wind tunnel-developed radiator for Zora's mid-engined CERV II racer; then again, maybe not...;LOL:boogie
Well, it MIGHT be the super-secret wind tunnel-developed radiator for Zora's mid-engined CERV II racer; then again, maybe not...;LOL:boogie


NOW that I look at the bottom of the radiator VERY carefully, it has the following hand written statement - "To Kid, please treat this rare CRV II radiator with great respect. Effie said I have too much junk in the house and Larry Shinoda's place is now full of pictures of ponies. Zora"


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