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Just @!#$^@ great


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2004
Tulsa, OK
1977, Bright Yellow
Well, in addition to all the other projects I got lined up for my week off from being away, contrary to my request s to leae it alone, my son decided to check water/oil/tirep pressure, etc, which involved starting the car, and the wiring harness to the alternator burnt up (the ground wire) which goes into the left fender loom and forward to I dont know where. Just what I need to hear when I am 6000 miles away. Looks like I will have to strip that harness out with everything else and attempt to find wheren it and the ground wire goes. Tried to explain to son that burnt wire probably damaged insulation of other wire in the harness, but he doesnt get it.

:mad :cry :hb

Dont know whether to cry, scream , or what

hah, found out why alternator ground wire burnt, the block/chassis ground wire is missing, with that in mind, the fix shouldnt be too bad. 'phew'
yellow77 said:
hah, found out why alternator ground wire burnt, the block/chassis ground wire is missing, with that in mind, the fix shouldnt be too bad. 'phew'
Where'd it go?
It must be catching. While detailing the motor, I pulled the alternator belt off--pushing the alternator too far so the '+' lug touched the cruise control servo--causing a circuit to be made through the cruise control cable and grounding it out at the carb--I was lucky the only thing damaged was the cruise cable It melted completely!
Nothing will make your hair stand on end then seeing electrical-type smoke pouring from the engine area!

Now all I need is the cruise control cable:
photovette do you gain much on your ac from insulating the lowside metal line?

photovette said:
It must be catching. While detailing the motor, I pulled the alternator belt off--pushing the alternator too far so the '+' lug touched the cruise control servo--causing a circuit to be made through the cruise control cable and grounding it out at the carb--I was lucky the only thing damaged was the cruise cable It melted completely!
Nothing will make your hair stand on end then seeing electrical-type smoke pouring from the engine area!

Now all I need is the cruise control cable:
I insulated the suction line and EEVIR unit--I'm sure there's some gain in normal driving--however, the biggest difference is when I'm stopped at a light, or I shut off the car for a few minutes at a gas station--the a/c gets cold right away.

I went over every inch of the a/c system to squeeze the most out of it--it's been in the mid 90's for the last 2 weeks, and I'm cold and comfortable. The back window even fogs up if the humidity is high outside.
Ah, well, yes. I had forgotten to snug up the compressor belt before starting the motor--the a/c worked fine on the test run; I noticed it almost falling off after posting that image. I went ahead and bought a new belt and installed it.

You know, we all should routinely post images of our car's mechanicals. I'd bet with so many people looking at the images, all sorts of problems could be spotted and corrected. A More sets of eyes sort of thing.
One thing I did do different is paint the tips of the fan blades yellow--you wouldn't believe how visable it makes the fan when the engine is running--a safety thing--we all work on motors some with the engine running.
yellow77 said:
hah, found out why alternator ground wire burnt, the block/chassis ground wire is missing, with that in mind, the fix shouldnt be too bad. 'phew'
I would double check its not something else.I dont see how a missing ground on the block would cause the other one to burn up.The ground wire is rated hiring then it needs to be .Are you sure you dont have the ground going to power down by the started or a pinched wire?
photovette said:
One thing I did do different is paint the tips of the fan blades yellow--you wouldn't believe how visable it makes the fan when the engine is running--a safety thing--we all work on motors some with the engine running.
Very smart idea! I've, like many of us here, have spent many hours under the hood of running cars. Sometimes you can get dissoriented and for get that those pulleys/belts/fan, are moving.

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