When is "syching, andlearning required for key fobs? I read some things in both the owners manual and also the repair manual which say something about when there is a loss of battery power, you may need to do all the fussing with the key fobs and learning procedures ect. I recently disconnected battery to disable sir system and remove air bags and install after market steering wheel. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I did not need to sychronize the fobs with the car, or any of that crap as is didscussed in the owners manual and repair manual. The battery was dis connected all day long while I was fussing with my "operation remove air bags" and operation " install new steering wheel". When I connected the battery again everything was perfect and no hassles with the key fobs. Just wondering why the manuals keep talking about "if loss of battery power to vehicle occurss you must do this that and the other thing" has any one had problems with the key fobs not working right? or does that only occurr when replacing the key fob batteries?