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Our story starts many years ago when a young boy went with his father to a small Chevy dealer. In the show room was a 1964 light blue roadster, the boy feel in love. A few years later, a friend of his father gave the young man a ride in his 1960 roadster. Several years pass and the young man gets married. He is happy and learns to do fiberglass work on boats. He is in the market for a new car and tells his wife that he would like to get a Corvette. She replies that she doesn't like Corvettes and the answer is NO. A couple of weeks pass and the young man has gotten another car. He and his bride are leaving their apartment when a yellow car goes by. The wife, who's favorite color is yellow says, "That is pretty car why didn't you get one of those?" Are you ready for this is was a 1963 Split Window ad . Several years pass as our hero and wife have two girls and put them through school. Just when our hero thought that he would never get a Corvette a person at work says that he and his brother have on that they want to sell. With much begging the wife says that if the price isn't over so much she would think about it. Well the car got sold before I could even look at it. The now older man decides that the wife doesn't care much about his needs and she becomes and EX. A few more years go by and the main character of this story remarries and starts thinking about his dream again. The man goes to eBay and finds a nice Corvette. He bids on it and is the high bidder until 4 seconds from the end of the bidding.:bash Another chance lost. The new wife wants the man to have a Corvette very badly but just can't swing the payments at that point. This brings us to the man's 54th birthday. The wife says that the money is now available to get the longed for Corvette. Last weekend our hero finally gets his dream, a 2000 Navy Blue roadster. The man is happy, his father is happy for him and the wife is happy that I finally have my Corvette.
Now isn't that a happy ending?
Now isn't that a happy ending?