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Long time engine rebuilders or mechanics, GM employees


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2008
66 Roadster Glen Green/Saddle

Many of you know of my 48 state trip in my 66 L79 roadster, to meet long time owners of corvettes this summer for research on the relationship between man (woman) and car.

I would also like to include any engine re-builders and mechanics, GM assembly workers and supervisors, who worked on these cars in the 50's to 80's and even the present.

Without your help and work , many of these cars would not have made it to the present time.

You are as much a part of the story as the owners
( many of you are long time owners)

If you would like to be part of the story, please PM with contact information so that I can put you on my trip map.

Trip route - Google Maps

Are you writing an article for a magazine? Writing a book? Blogging about it?
I do not yet know

Are you writing an article for a magazine? Writing a book? Blogging about it?

I had planned a cross country with my car 36 years ago. Just me and the car, a little money and lots of time on my hands. Well..... just before I was to leave, " The real world got in the way "

36 years later, I have the opportunity with the same car to make that trip. Using all the forums and the members help, I have my car almost restored to make the trip. I started to deal with many others like myself who have owned their cars through thick and thin times. In traveling across the country , I thought it would be interesting to meet these people and hear their story. Life and the Car and the relationship over the many years.

So, my trip has grown a bit and I can't wait to get started. I will have a blog and will update forums daily as I progress. I will suggest to Members who would like me to stop by, to start thinking back over the years to when they first bought car and all car events(crashes, no money to fix, etc) over the years. At the same time, think back to events in your life that ran parallel to the car events and how the two intertwined.

What common characteristics do long term owners have? Finding answers to these questions as I drive over 10 or 12 thousand miles , meeting interesting people, having a few beers, sounds like a great way to spend 3 months.

Hope that gives you some insight into my trip, plus... just think, every day I get to jump into my car and just drive.......... top down, highway in front, and pure joy of driving down the road...

I see you're stopping in Valparaiso Indiana. I'm about 5 miles north and west of there and would love to be a fly on the wall while you're here. If it's ok let me know. I'm with Valpo-vettes the local Corvette Club. We could probably get a small group together if you're interested.

And yes, I worked for a Chevrolet Dealer in NJ in the early '70s... got to install all those parts that came in the trunk. wink,wink,nod,nod...
Hi Jim? Put you on the map

PM with your name, email, address zip, for My gps and data base.

I will be passing your area and would love to hear some more stories of how my car "got fixed" in the 70's


PM (s) sent

Do you know appx. when you'll be passing through?
I leave Maine beginnig of August, and should spend about 10 days in midwest. 4th to 14th or 15th of August. I am trying to hit the Northwest by end of August.

Lots of stops in midwest, I am sure I will meet a few at central locations so I can stay on path to the west. It will be quite a challenge


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