I hear ya Frank...I'm litterally in the "middle" of a Van Steel complete offset trailing arm assembly. What a complete PITA!!!
The lower shock mount was my first obstacle...which I sucked it up and bought new ones for $45 each...and cut through the old one with a reciprocating saw. There was no getting it out...I tried hammering, lots of lube...HEAT...nothing worked!
The one thing that does help very little, is to raise the trailing arm up with a jack to try and get the strut rod and the shock mount holes to really line up, taking the pressure off the bolt so you can get it out. You might want to disconnect the other end of the stut rod as well (which, depending on how the bolts were inserted, you might also have to drop the spring to get the bolts out). Doing this, will allow you to more easily position the strut rod to take tension off the shock mount bolt.
I've read a lot about it and spoke to a bunch of Corvette places, and they almost always have the same problem. There is a tool that is supposed to help knock it out and save the threads (
www.vansteel.com)...but honestly, I don't think it'll work for 20+ years of rust seizing.
If you do get new ones, you might have to grind down a few of the knurles on the new shock mount. Mine didn't press all the way in because it was a new TA assembly and new shock mount...if you're reusing the assembly (which you probably are) then you might not have the same problem because the assembly will already be a bit worn from the old one.
It must have taken me a couple of hours to get through that trailing arm bolt! Dang thing wouldn't let go!!! Same rust seize problem. Went through countless reciprocating saw blades, and many bruises, and finally got it off. So, I have the right side done....and waiting for a nice day with LOTS of time to do the lefts side!
Also, while you're there, you might as well check for anything else that might need to be replaced bushing wise/bolt wise while you have everything apart! I got new TA bolts, Strut Rod bushings, End Link bushings, etc. I also found out that my spring was missing 1 of the 3 bolts to hold it in place :-(
Please let me know if you have any other questions as I just went through it all!!!
Sorry so lenghtly...
Good luck!!!
- Jeremy