I am in the process of lowering the front of my 2000 convertible. The procedure seemed easy enough, but when I was finished, I had a difference of 1/2 inch between drivers and passengers sides. I put the car on jack stands and removed the tires. I used someones suggestion to put a jack under the end of the leaf spring and jack it a little to take the pressure off of it. I unscrewed the adjusting bolts counter clock-wise on both sides to bottom out the bushings. After driving around 100 miles I still have a 1/2 inch difference between sides. I measured 90 degrees from the ground, thru the center of the wheel to the bottom edge of the wheel well. The height of the Drivers side is 27 3/8 inches and passenger side is 27 7/8 inches. Do I need to screw out the drives side adjusting bolt in to try to level the sides? Do they need to be exact or how close is good?