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luggage rack

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66 vette

I have a 66 roadster and in the process of restoring it, it has a 4 post luggage rack. I cant find any info about luggage racks for c2s
is it right for this car???. any info ???
I have a 66 roadster that I am in the process of restoring. The question that I have is it has a
4 post luggage rack. Is it correct?? Was it a factory option?? Please help?? Thanks.
As far as I know the first factoroty installed luggage rack was 1977. All other racks were dealer installed. Tom may know more about this though, I'm sure he will correct me if I'm wrong:) .................Steve
I would have to look it up but that sounds right Steve. Before that they were available as accessory packages that were dealer or customer installed.
Well guys I'm really gettin confused.
I found the 1966 Corvette Home Page and clicked on
magazine photos, then clicked 1966 corvette options and there be a luggage rack on a 66 vette. Sure could use some help here. Please???
joeg, Please post that site, you have my curiosty up now. I know that they were "dealer" installed options, but I don't know about "factory" options. BTW, I am always interested in factory pictures.............Steve
rack um up

Quite often the GM photos showed cars equiped with genuine GM accessories that were available for that specific car over the parts counter. There was probably a Corvette rack available as a GM accessory through the parts department designed for the Corvette and manufactured either by GM or one of their suppliers. When a rack could be ordered as a regular production option it came in the trunk and was installed at the dealer as part of the new car prep. That included drilling the holes.

Steve is sharp as a tack. The first year that a rack is listed as a regular production option is 1977. It is RPO V54 Luggage and Roof Carrier.

By stating that the '66 had a luggage rack available means that it was available as a Parts Dept. Accessory and not a RPO.

Steve, check out this site. Shure looks like an option to me. I'm new to vett's and didn't think this would be a big deal. I just need to know if I should re-install the rack or not. I'm tring to make the car right. It's a true numbers matching never violated 30k miles car. More confusion. I found an NOS luggage rack for a 1963-1969 vette in Hemmings for sale. When I called I was told it was a FACTORY installed option, altough he sold it he said he gets over $650.00 for it beacuse he said it's a very rare option. Still confused...

What is right

Right can be, the way it left St Louis with all it's imperfections and it's glory but, correct could be, as it left the dealer with all it's over the counter parts added. I would say that right is how you want it as long as it falls within the 2 examples above. As far as the luggage rack being rare, I would have to agree with that, I have only seen a few, and they were only pictures. But, as far as it leaveing St Louis with it installed on the car............I doubt it. Final line is, if you want to put it back on, it's correct, if you don't want to put it back on, it's correct. So at this point, I would say, it's whatever you want............I know this is mostly my opinion (and should be everyone elses;) ) but, I am pretty sure that I am right............Steve

Just to clarify the option statement, I worked at a Chevrolet dealer for several years and was a parts mgr. at an Olds and Cadillac dealer also. I can say with absolute certainity that luggaage racks weren't installed at the assembly plant on any GM car. As I said before when they were listed as an option they were shipped in the trunk and were dealer installed.

That '66 accessory book on your site is where you will find the rack listed. NCRS also does not list the rack as an option in the NCRS Specification Guide. Their stance on genuine accessories is that they do not deduct for the accessory but they do deduct for the mounting holes since they were not there when the car left the factory. The deduct is very minor.

My feeling is that if the car had the rack installed at the dealer at time of delivery and it has managed to survive all these years then it is only right to keep it on the car. That guy in Hemmings probably had a NOS GM rack for a Corvette but he is obviously wrong about it being factory installed. In the '60s and '70s a lot of dealers stocked racks for Corvettes and other cars due to GM forcing dealers to buy a certain group and quantity of accessories for the new model year cars each and every year. In my experience many of these items never sold and ended up on bargain tables. There was a time when new unopened racks were common at swap meets but they have become rather popular and the supply dried up. The originals didn't hold up to road salt very well and many were trashed and the holes filled when cars were painted.

In my opinion keep the rack. Not only is it rare but it looks cool.

The only factory installed racks were 1977.May be some late 1976, all other year racks were dealer installed options. Chuck
Thank you Steve and Tom. I really appreciate your help. I'm sure glad I tripped over this web site. It's nice to know there are really cool vette guys out there. Not to be a wienee, but, It seems like the car shows I've been to here in Illinois, it seems that ALL the vette guys seem to have there heads up there butt!
Maybe because I was driving a GTO.
Anyway, thanks again!!!! This is a cool site!!
I'm sure that I will have more questions as my frame off restoration continues. A question to Tom is how accurate do think the NCRS book is? I found mistakes in it. Who do I contact to discuss errors in it's content?

NCRS is a continuing learning process. The books and information are always being updated as it becomes available, researched and documated. If you are going to be involved in the older Corvettes you NEED to be a NCRS member. There isn't anything you can come up with that hasn't been experienced by many members before. All you have to do is ask on the Technical Discussion Board and you will get all the info you need. Go to www.ncrs.org to sign up or just to check it out. Also the puplications are worth the price of admittence alone.

Racer78 said:
Does NCRS have any vaule or books for C4 owners? Thanks

Sorry to butt into this conversation, but the answer is NO. The National Corvette Restorers Society relates to 1953~1982. Take a look a NCRS for a little more information.
NO they are not shooting themself in the foot/bank

Please understand the meaning of NCRS. This is a Corvette Oraganization setup to preserve the Corvette to Factory Standards. Each year another year is included into NCRS, thus the 1982. There intend is not to be a "Corvette Club" but an organization who maintain records and standards for ..... lack of words... the PURE condition of Corvettes. Thus in their name "Restorers Society". They have been around since the Late 60's or 70's and recognized as THE PREMIER award in judging for authenticity.. To have Bloomington Gold or the Zora is almost unachievable, but makes a statement about the Corvette as being PRIMO.

Eventually the C4's will be included, as time and age allows. Take a look at the NCRS website.... it may help you to understand a little more about your Corvette, Corvettes in general and just what NCRS is all about..

NCRS isn't worried about the bank. That is not their mission. They became the NCRS from the old Classic Corvette Club ('53-'55 Corvettes) around '76 and included Corvettes up to '62 at that time. The Solid Axles were all becoming historically valuable and collectable at that time. It was several years before '63-'67 Midyears were even considered and a couple more before they were finally included. Many members thought that they were still too new and not in the same catagory as the older ones.

Then came the chrome bumper Sharks as a group followed by the '73-'82 soft bumper Sharks. Each group had to prove it's worthiness, for lack of a better word, as many looked at them as just used cars and too new.

The subject of C4s has been brought up and sooner or later the first group of them will make their way in. I would guess that group to be pre ZR1 with the flat rear end as a group. Up to '82 wasn't that much of a stretch as they shared a common chassis design back to '63 but I expect the C4s to be a hard fought battle. Probably not won until they are in the 20 -25 year old range and are commonly being restored to factory specifications as a valuable historical example.

Thanks again Tom. I really appreciate your help.
I'm considering your advice on joining the NCRS. I'm documenting every stage of my restoration with pictures and notebook. It's been just about a year now and the body is still off. I've been thru the frame,motor,trans,rear end,trailing arms and suspension. Parts are blasted and painted!! Finally I can see light at the end of the tunnel. Ready to start the chassis re-assembly process. Hope to start on the body by Feb 2002. ANY suggestions on this project are welcome!!
Also, Tom and Steve, I think your right, I just needed some well respected opinions. "the rack goes on"!


I'm sorry that I am so obsessed about this luggage rack thing and I hope you guys don't think I'm crazy but. I finally found AND READ a hard copy of the 1966 CORVETTE specifications book. On page GENERAL-5 dated December 1965 there is a list of DEALER INSTALLED ACCESSORIES.. And there it is... Luggage carrier, deck lid. You guys were right on!!

Thanks again,
Obsessing about your Corvette is what it is all about


This is the kind of thing that I really enjoy. If you go back into the older posts on this and the '53-'62 Forum you will find some very involved obsessing on several subjects.

I would also suggest a few puplications to guide you through your reassembly and painting, ect.

Noland Adams Complete Restoration and Technical Guide Vol 2, '63-'67 Corvette.

GM Assembly Instruction Manual for the '66

NCRS Judging Manual for the '66 Corvette and the NCRS Judging Reference Manual.

Our community venders can supply the first 2 and NCRS has their books.

One of the reasons I push NCRS so much for someone restoring a car is that if you don't know exactly what gloss level or type of paint to use on a suspension component, for example, a question on the Tech Board will get you an answer and even suggestions as to who makes the best product to use.

Good luck on your car and ask anything , anytime.


Here is a '75 rack.

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