From where the MC connects to the bottom of the brake power booster there is a raised portion, then a lower section, then back to raised. In the first raised area, closest to the booster, there is a small hole at the top (see diagram below). Brake fluid is leaking out of this hole, best I can tell that is, and running down the power booster. Is there actually supposed to be something connected there? Can anyone please tell me what it means when this is happening and what, if anything I can do to fix it. Any help would be appreciated. erik.
____MC top_______ |
________________ |
____side view_____|
________________ |....Power
____MC bottom____|....Booster
|_______________ |
..........|___|........|__ |
..........|__ |.........|__ |
..........|__|..........|_ _|
sorry can't get the diagram to come out any clearer.
____MC top_______ |
________________ |
____side view_____|
________________ |....Power
____MC bottom____|....Booster
|_______________ |
..........|___|........|__ |
..........|__ |.........|__ |
..........|__|..........|_ _|
sorry can't get the diagram to come out any clearer.