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MINT 67 @ New England NCRS Regional

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New to CAC. Thought I'd post some pics of my Roadster @ the NCRS meet in Marlborough, Mass. last week. Like pokin' around the forum a lot......
Welcome to the forum Mint 67. :w
She sure looks pretty.

Very nice '67. If you need any help with the forum just ask. There is a lot here to see and read.

Hi Tom--Thank you sooo much for the warm welcome. I'm liking the forum a lot. I'm also liking your '59 and 67vet's Polo White '54 a lot.............Joe
Hi Joe! Welcome to the :CAC !!

Sweet Midyear! I swear I'm going to have one SOMEDAY! I hope! :L

Glad you're enjoying our site. Make yourself at home and poke around the Tech Center and Model Center too!

:wJane Ann
Thanks sooo much Jane Ann. That red rag top is GORGEOUS !
Thanks for the welcome SMOKINJOE. Love that trophy magnet you're drivin'. Must be the terror of LI........
Welcome to the CAC!!! Beautiful Corvette you got there.
Wow, that is a beautiful Corvette ! Were you judged at the meet?

Welcome to the CAC! You will have a great time here!

Welcome, Joe. I also saw your car at the Marlborough NCRS meet. I was there with a 2007 yellow coupe from Corvette Mike's (not showing, of course!).

Just a heartfelt thanks to all for the overwhelmingly warm welcome to the forum. I believe I was parked next to that gorgeous '67 Red 427 Roadster at the meet. Yes, I was judged but don't have the results yet. Whatever the results--it's just a lot of fun and a great learning experience. The weather up here is already turnng nasty. I'll be garaging the car for the winter soon. Trying to get in some driving before the salt's on the roads. THE CURSE of living in New England.......................:w

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