Most of the Higher End Aftermarket Ignitions are Decent
I've used MSD, Crane, Mallory, an old Pertronix...haven't used the new Holley one....
...but really after the base models of each line they are all pretty much the same high level.
The only difference is what features do you want?
The Pertronix (haven't seen the new version yet) offers compactness and minimal visibility. The MSD (and especially Jacobs - the cadillac of the genre) offer the most bolt ons and doo-dads and in-cabin adjustability if you're running nitrous or blowers or something else weird and wonderful.
My current pot of red ink has a Mallory HyFire, something between their newest full digital and the older version. I only got it because it was on sale at Hot Rod Harry's when I was buying the money monster's ignition. It seems to work as well as the recent 6AL I put on the Blazerstein a few years back, and featured an easier to adjust rev limiter. (I even had to cut the housing a few inches to make it fit on the fire wall - something that would have been tougher to do with the fully sealed MSD - although the MSD is dimensionally somewhat smaller so it probably wouldn't have been necessary in the first place.
I need to get a new "blueprinted" distributor, whether billet aluminum or conventional.
When you pick an ignition box, don't neglect a good set of mechanical advancers and adjustable vacuum advancers, if you choose to remain with either, as well as with a decent coil, rotor, cap and wires appropriate to the ignition you chose. (Remember, some of the aftermarket ignitions
cannot take the twelve gadzillion volt coils some coil put out.)