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Mark Stahl

Hi all I am trying to figure out where to mount the fuel filter bracket mount for a 64? I have not ordered one yet. I am guessing it would mount to the valve cover bolt and not a special tapping on the manifold (I hope)? Any help would be Great! Also Happy Thanksgiving!!

The second manifold bolt from the front has a threaded stud protruding from the center of the hex; the fuel filter bracket goes on that stud and is retained by a nut and washer. See your '64 Assembly Manual, section L75, sheet 1.00.

Thanks John! :thumb We had moved and could not find the assembly manuel.
Thanks John! :thumb We had moved and could not find the assembly manuel.

I know what you mean, Mark. We moved too. I have a 24' enclosed trailer to empty when I finally finish the inside of my new shop. :eyerole

Purchasing a new place is great but moving is rough! I found parts/paperwork for my Corvette when we moved out of our old house that we had lived in for 18 years. Its amazing the amount of stuff you accumulate. Its even more amazing that I still have not sorted it all out! :L The sad part is I help a friend sell/take parts to Carlisle every year and never new what I had. Oh well theres always next year!

Happy Turkey Day!

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