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need help choosing a stall convertor

  • Thread starter Thread starter nicky d
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nicky d

hope someone could help out,
i have a 350 with edelbrock rpm heads ,650avs carb,
performer manifold, headers , 373 gears, 218 duration at .454 lift comp cam.

car runs powerfull , but im a little disapionted at the light,
i set my timming 12 degrees advanced ,plug gap at .35 thousand
im looking for a good stall speed convertor ,what stall speed should i
use? and is my timming right? and plug gap?
thanks for your help

Nicky, what's your timing at full advance? i set mine at 3000rpm. i believe i am at 32 deg advance. if you get pinging then back off 2deg at a time till the ping goes away.
i am running a preformer manifold ,edelbrock 600cfm,headers,sidepipes,hei ignition,and some-sort of nasty cam.

good luck


p.s. do a search,there have been a few threads on setting timing

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