Plan, Do, Check, Act
Welcome aboard CACC! 74 split-tail’s are cool!
For most street cars a good Qjet is hard to beat ... keep it, repair if need be.
Horsepower & Torque are often misunderstood. What most street rodders actually want is “useable power” ... and that equates to a long, flat torque curve. Horsepower becomes more important in drag racing.
Start with the basics: verify what you have and formulate a plan from there.
First, verify that your jurisdiction has no practical prohibition of modifying your year car ... and verify that any changes you might make will not prevent you from passing any smog/emissions testing your jurisdiction may (or may not) have.
Next, verify what you have: note axle ratio, pull valve covers and note head casting numbers, note which transmission you have, headers or cast iron, note any current engine-driveline mods. Knowledge of this will help get more reliable answers from both suppliers and forums.
Go get yourself a dial back timing light ... it’ll quickly become a valued companion.
Verify condition of your motor & driveline before hopping it up. Check & note compression on all 8 ... & any unusual oil/gas consumption. Verify oil pressure w/ a second gage. Map out & note your ignition timing curve ... to identify if distributor advance is faulty & id any slippage in harmonic balancer/damper ... an improved curve can easily add 20hp/tq for next to nothing$. Visually inspect the distributor’s internals closely; verify both vacuum & mechanical advance are in good condition & operate freely.
You can do it! Done with moderation an intake, cam & a little headwork will easily get you an obvious increase of reliable, street-friendly, pump gas-friendly “useable power” for under $750 ... probably exceed your goals for even less$.