Well, those numbers give us:
Offset = 608 (ohms)
Rate = -2.40 (ohms/degree)
Offset = 303 (ohms)
Rate = -1.27 (ohms/degree)
Offset = 215 (ohms)
Rate = -0.899 (ohms/degree)
You're correct that some resistance will need to be added, in series. That will correct the difference in offsets. So, for example, the TS-58 will need 305 ohms added to correct the offset. The rate need to be nearly doubled, though, and I'm trying to remember how to set things up to multiply a resistance. I know it should be possible, but it's been a few years, so it may be a while before I remember what I'm looking for.
In either case, the offset resistor, and some other resistor in the system, should be asjustable. For one, I'm sure you'll never find exactly the correct resistance (305 ohms isn't a standard size), and it will also allow you to adjust it to read accurately, since each sender and guage are slightly different (manufacturing tolerances). Putting in the "wrong" sender might give you a more accurate reading
Of course, the other option is to buy a new guage that will work with a modern sender, and take the face off, then fit the face from your old guage onto the new movement. In all honesty, that might prove to be the most reliable way to do it.