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  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob88vert
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Welcome To The Corvette Action Center Bob88vert!

:upthumbs Glad to have you with us. I think you'll like it here.

Lemonpeel is going to love your Vette. Glad to have another C4 aboard, the Sharks are numerous here. :D

Welcome to the Corvette Action Center Community (CACC). Another new member from the Tampa Bay area. There's getting to be quite a few of us now.

Many of us are planing for the OctoberVettes at "Old Town" in Kissimmee on October 12-13th. You're welcome to join us.

See attached.


Hope to see you there
Old town

Thanks for the invite Al. Will try to make it over there. :beer
Re: Welcome To The Corvette Action Center Bob88vert!

[QUOTELemonpeel is going to love your Vette. Glad to have another C4 aboard, the Sharks are numerous here. :D [/B][/QUOTE]

Yes, Bob and I have already "met"!! Our cars are almost identical!

Lemon Peel aka Elaine
Welcome from ex-Seffnerite

Welcome, Bob! My shark swims with all Vettes. Seffner was my town for 7 years. Corner of Wheeler & Seffner Lake RD to be exact. Oops, I better get back to the C3 area before Elaine catches me. :D


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