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New power antenna continuing to run


Dec 21, 2007
1981 Beige Coupe, 4-spd
Replaced the dead power antenna on the '81 with one from Eckler's quite awhile back. After the usual fit problems were overcome, it worked fine for the few times I tried it. Speakers needed replacement, as well as a possible radio problem, so occasional use of the car has been without switching radio on or off at all. All of a sudden out of the blue the other night I hear a motor noise in the garage, narrowed down when I passed by the rear of the car. Antenna is down, but somehow thinks it's not, and attempts to keep running. Tried turning ignition and radio on to bring it up, but nothing stops it other than unplugging, either at antenna or at relay behind console. Sound like a problem in the antenna internals or the relay? Anyone have a clue?​
Had the same problem with mine....
Whatever stops the antenna internally is the problem....I took mine apart to fix it but parts are no longer available....
Mine just stays up now....

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Thanks for the advice. I'll see if anyone else reports the same situation, then maybe try to return it to Eckler's. I'd rather do anything than take that thing in and out again (yeah, I made it harder -- or maybe easier(?) -- on myself by not removing the muffler).
Yeah,it is a pia to get in and out...
Good luck! !

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It has been a while since I took mine apart, but normally, what keeps it running is when it breaks the metal hook on the plastic lead (like thick fishing line material). With a working antenna lead, the torque from the motor pulls the reel over and pushes on the micro switches. So normally, if the hook breaks, there is no mechanical resistance to help the spool to push upon the micro switches and kill power. :confused:ugh:chuckle

Sounds reasonable. It took me so long to get around to doing the job in the first place, I'm not anxious to get it out and take it apart, but that's probably the only way it'll get fixed or investigated. Thanx.
Just finished this with my 81. As already stated, there is a piece of thick weed whacker string internal that turns around a spool which pushed the antenna up or pulls it down. You can buy a kit that replaces it.
You need to take the unit out, drill out four rivets, change the string and bolt the whole thing together again. When I did it, it took a while for the new string to take its spooled up shape and it made it to hard to for the motor to turn. A couple of days with the string in the spool gave the string enough memory that it stopped that problem.
It is a bit of a PIA fix that costs about $40. I think a new one is $70, I wonder if the extra money is worth it. I love fiddling with such stuff so it was OK for me.
Just did this fix to mine as well. Parts are available from all the major vendors. It was doing the same as yours and the cable had broke.
I don't mind fiddling sometimes either, as 50% of the time I'll do that to fix it and the other 50% I'll replace it (either as first choice or after I wind up sorry I started fiddling). :L In this case I have to take it out one way or the other, so that's the worst part of the whole job. No gettin' around that one.
If the motor keeps on running and the mast doesn't retract the cable has either broken or pulled out of the mast. It is an easy fix but a pain to R&R.

Once fixed it is also easy to avoid having to do it again by keeping the telescoping mast lubed. A light coating of WD40 works well. Occasionally run the mast up and wipe it down clean. Then apply a little WD40. Just a light coating. Wipe off excess.

What causes the shaft to break is a dry and dirty mast. If the mast doesn't slide back in freely the cable, being weaker than the motor, will snap off at the mast end.

Cleaning your antenna should be a part of your wash jab.

Thanks for the info. What ticks me off is that it was a brand new antenna. OK, bought over a year ago, but only in the car about 3 months, only up twice to test it in the garage right after installing, and never touched again since my speakers are out and the radio never gets turned on (car was probably only used 8 or 10 times since installed). Yet one night I hear the motor buzzing away on its own. I'll be sure to keep it clean after I repair (or replace) it, but right now it's as clean as when it came out of the box!

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