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Newbie question


Active member
Apr 15, 2004
central Missouri
What are the letters/numbers on the plate in the door jamb tellling me.
Chevrolet C14
Trim 92 9L Paint

Or Is it
Trim 192 19L Paint ?

That's the trim plate. It's stamped with the trim paint and time-built codes.

August - A
September - B
October - C
November - D
December - E
January - F
February - G
March - H
April - I
May - J
June - K
July - L

After that, the number is the Day Built.

Example: D1 --- November 1st
RfirstVette said:
What are the letters/numbers on the plate in the door jamb tellling me.
Chevrolet C14
Trim 92 9L Paint

Or Is it
Trim 192 19L Paint ?



At the top of the page you will see "Tech Center" tab, click on it. That will take you to another page, click on "Model Cener" on this page, that inturn will take you to a page you can plug in 1978 and get information about your paint and interior color by the codes off your trim tag ;)
Hate to be a pain but, is there any other tags to look for that would have option codes on it ? If so where are they located ?

I went to the section Rare81 suggested but didn't see anything that told me what the Trim 92 9L Paint meant. Or is Trim 192 19L Paint ? You 'll have to forgive me this is my first Vette. I am use to 60's -70's Mopars . Sorry.

RfirstVette, Your codes are telling you that you have a Black Corvette(19) with a black leather interior (192). According to the Corvette Black Book, there were about 4,573 Corvettes painted black in '78. Hope this helps.

Sorry for the brief explaination, here is the page I was referring too 1978 Production "Stuff"

71LS5 is 100% :upthumbs


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